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A Regular Meeting of the Dundee Township Board was held Tuesday November 12, 2024. Supervisor Uhl called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. All present recited The Pledge of Allegiance.


Present were: Trustees: Alana Horkey, Ken Jaworski, Travis Horkey, Gary Lazette, Supervisor Uhl, Clerk Ziesmer, Treasurer Hunt. Clerk Ziesmer did roll call.


  • Supervisor Uhl motioned to revise the agenda, adding the Financial Consultant Proposal to new business. Treasurer Hunt seconded. Motion carried.
  • Trustee T. Horkey motioned to approve the minutes from the regular meeting held on October 22, 2024. Treasurer Hunt seconded. Motion carried.
  • Treasurer Hunt motioned to waive the reading of the one correspondence and place on file. Trustee Lazette seconded. Motion carried.





  • Marilyn Larson expressed her gratitude for the cemetery clean up.
  • Kristie Horkey conveyed her thanks and appreciation to Travis Horkey and Joanna Uhl for their dedication and hard work they have put into the Township.
  • Ordinance Officer Tim Duby tendered his resignation.




LIBRARY: Dundee Branch is still 3rd highest in Monroe County in circulation. Program attendance is up 8%. Winter programs have started. More information on those can be found at


ASSESSING: No report at this time.


BUILDING DEPARTMENT: No report at this time


FIRE DEPARTMENT: Total calls for October were 115. Village Calls: 81, Township Calls: 31, Mutual Aid Calls: 3.


TREASURER LISA HUNT: Winter tax bills have been sent to the printer and will be mailed out December 1, 2024. Also, reached out to the attorney to draft up a Social Media policy to be placed on the next agenda.


TRUSTEE GARY LAZETTE: Acknowledged the poll workers and offered thanks for this year’s election.


CLERK KARLA ZIESMER: The November 5th General Election went very well. There were no issues. The Township had 1025 early voters, 1650 absentee voters for a total of 4979 voters. The Village Trustee write-in count is still in process with the board of canvassers.



SUPERVISOR UHL: No report at this time.


TRUSTEE TRAVIS HORKEY: Thanked the Board for their service. Planning commission liaison position will be opening up.


TRUSTEE KEN JAWORSKI: Bill Root has completed cemetery clean-up on both cemeteries. There are still two trees on Brewer Rd that need to be cut down. He is planning to do that this week. He came in below his initial estimate by around $1500. Trustee Jaworski motioned to give Ricks Lawn Care a 10 day notice to terminate the contract for cemetery mowing, and advertise in the paper for new bids after the 10 days. Trustee Lazette seconded. Motion carried.


TRUSTEE ALANA HORKEY:  Extended her appreciation and thanks to Travis Horkey and Joanna Uhl. Also talked about the social media policy.


OLD BUSINESS: Reviewed 2023-2024 audit discussed key points Trustee Jaworski motioned to approve the 2023-2024 Audit Report. Trustee A. Horkey seconded. Motion carried.



  • Treasurer Hunt discussed spending limit on Chief Motylinski’s credit card. Treasurer Hunt motioned to raise the Fire Department credit card spending limit of $1500 to $5000. Trustee A. Horkey seconded. Motion carried.
  • Trustee Lazette made a motion to not renew the Dundee Area Business Association application for the 2025 calendar year. Trustee T. Horkey seconded. Motion carried.
  • Discussed budget increase for cemetery. Supervisor Uhl motioned to increase the budget form the respective fund balance for the accounts presented with the change to the account that ends in 930, increase it to 25,000. Clerk Ziesmer seconded. Motion carried.
  • Trustee Lazette discussed the State adoption of the 2023 National Electrical code. In order to keep his license active, he is required to attend classes. Trustee Lazette is requesting approval for reimbursement of $167.90 for the Training/Education cost summary. Treasurer Hunt motioned to approve the $167.90. Trustee A. Horkey seconded. Trustee Lazette abstained. Motion carried.
  • Treasurer Hunt motioned to approve the amount of $450.00 for New Officials Training through MTA. Clerk Ziesmer seconded. Motion carried.
  • Treasurer Hunt motioned to approve the quote from West Shore Fire, for new SCBA equipment, in the amount of $127,740.00. Trustee T. Horkey seconded. Motion carried.
  • Trustee Jaworski motioned to submit the Monroe County Road Commission estimate request as presented, with adding rumble strips on Wells Rd to be repaired. Trustee Lazette seconded. Motion carried.
  • Trustee A. Horkey motioned to approve the new Inspection Fee list as presented. Treasurer Hunt seconded. Trustee Lazette abstained. Motion carried.
  • Trustee T. Horkey motioned to adopt the proposed Dundee Township Zoning Ordinance Amendment as presented, with adding one blade would be painted black to reduce the number of air strikes. Trustee Jaworski seconded.  Roll Call vote: Trustee Alana Horkey: Yes, Trustee Jaworski: Yes, Trustee Travis Horkey: Yes, Supervisor Uhl: Yes, Clerk Ziesmer: Yes, Trustee Lazette: Yes, Treasurer Hunt: Yes. Motion carried
  • Supervisor Uhl motioned to accept the Financial Consultant Plan as presented. Treasurer Hunt seconded. Motion carried.


Additional board comments: Thanks were given by all to Trustee Travis Horkey and Supervisor Uhl for their years of dedication and hard work.


Trustee Lazette motioned to pay the bills from November 7, 2024 on the amount of $118,418.55. Treasurer Hunt seconded. Motion carried.



Supervisor Uhl motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:57 p. m. Trustee Jaworski seconded. Motion carried.


The next meeting will be November 26, 2024 at 7:00PM. 



Attested:                                                                         Respectfully Submitted,

Joanna Uhl                                           Karla Ziesmer

Dundee Township Supervisor                         Dundee Township Clerk


___________________________                                                 __________________________


This page last updated on 11/26/2024.
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