A Regular Meeting of the Dundee Township Board was held Tuesday, January 9, 2024. Supervisor Uhl called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Present were: Trustees: Alana Horkey, Travis Horkey, Ken Jaworski, Supervisor Uhl, Clerk Anderson, Gary Lazette & Treasurer Hunt. Clerk Anderson did roll call.
- Supervisor Uhl motioned to approve the amended agenda. Trustee Alana Horkey supported. Motion carried.
- Trustee Lazette motioned to waive the reading and approve the minutes from the regular meeting held on December 12th 2023. Trustee Lazette seconded. Trustee Alana Horkey abstained. Motion carried.
- Treasurer Hunt motioned to waive the reading and approve the correspondences as presented. Trustee Alana Horkey seconded. Motion carried.
LIBRARY: No report at this time.
ASSESSING: No report at this time.
BUILDING DEPARTMENT: No report at this time.
- Yearly call report presented and attached, including monthly breakdown.
- Interior painting quote for radio room, 2 bathroom, and hallway for $1,850 was presented. Treasurer Hunt motioned to approve the quote for $1,850 as presented. Trustee Travis Horkey seconded. Motion carried.
- Presented an ARPA summary report.
- Presented an update on the Ida millage tax. Mostly waiting on the mortgage companies to pay.
- DTE will be doing tree work within Dundee Township.
- Mentioned interest in utilizing Jim Beck for budget consultation. Will discuss more closer to budget review time.
- BOR Training is upcoming in February.
- Ida School contacted me stating they overpaid for the 11-2-2021 Election, which was never corrected. With Jim’s advisement due to different fiscal years, a GL Fund was created for Election Reimbursements and a reimbursement was given to Ida Schools minus the amount owed for the 11-7-23 Election.
- Stated intent to work at least through the February election and reassess at that time, continuing to keep board apprised.
- Presented quotes for replacing the township garage door, track and opener.
- Discussed the work for the library handrails, which are to be installed next week.
- The ADA door openers are being installed at the library and fire department this week.
- Commented on the MTA quarterly meeting, Trustee Lazette motioned all board members to attend the MCCC.
TRUSTEE TRAVIS HORKEY: No report at this time.
- Spoke with Larry Krepes regarding relocating the cemetery plaque.
- Will be running the Planning Commission ZBA meeting next week, will present an update on the Planning Commission ZBA meeting at the next meeting.
- Garage Door Quotes presented from LaRoy Door and Roeco. Trustee Lazette motioned to approve the quote as presented from Roeco in the amount of $4,170.56. Trustee Alana Horkey seconded. Motion carried.
- MCRC- Various Mowing yearly contract reviewed. Supervisor Uhl motioned to approve the clerk and supervisor to sign the yearly contract, previously approved. Trustee Lazette and Treasurer Hunt seconded. Motion carried.
- MCRC- Various Excess Gradall contract to use excess gradall funds for ditching work. Supervisor Uhl motioned to approve the contract for $50,000 and for the clerk and supervisor to sign the contract, previously approved. Trustee Jaworski seconded. Motion carried.
- Poverty Exemption Guidelines Resolution #2024-1. Treasurer Hunt motioned to adopt Poverty Exemption Guidelines Resolution #2024-1. Trustee Alana Horkey seconded. Roll Call: Trustee Lazette: Yes, Treasurer Hunt: yes, Trustee Alana Horkey: Yes, Trustee Jaworski: Yes, Supervisor Uhl: Yes, Clerk Anderson: Yes, Trustee Travis Horkey: Yes. Resolution #2024-1 adopted.
- WECS Moratorium Extension Resolution #2024-2. Trustee Jaworski motioned. Treasurer Hunt seconded. Roll Call: Trustee Travis Horkey: Yes, Clerk Anderson: Yes, Supervisor Uhl: Yes, Trustee Jaworski: Yes, Trustee Alana Horkey: Yes, Treasurer Hunt: yes, Treasurer Hunt: yes. Resolution #2024-2 adopted.
- Library Contract Service Agreement reviewed. Trustee Alana Horkey motioned to approve the Library Contract Service Agreement as presented with Trustee Lazette continuing as the Library Board Contact. Trustee Travis Horkey seconded. Motion carried.
Additional board comments:
- Clerk Anderson stated the Absentee Voting ballot application for the February 27th Election have been mailed out. One-time informational post cards for Early Voting have been mailed. 9-Day Early Voting for all State and Federal Elections will be held at Raisinville Township Hall, our partnering township for Early Voting. KCI and Spectrum Printing are being utilized for the mailings.
- Trustee Travis Horkey mentioned interest in board training, utilizing a MTA board specialist. Supervisor Uhl mentioned
Trustee Travis Horkey motioned to pay the bills from December 20, 2024 in the amount of $17,168.14. Treasurer Hunt seconded. Motion Carried.
Supervisor Uhl motioned to pay the bills from January 4, 2024 in the amount of $15,814.24. Treasurer Hunt seconded. Motion Carried.
Trustee Jaworski motioned to adjourn at 8:06 pm. Trustee Lazette supported. Motion carried.
The next meeting will be January 23, 2023 at 7:00PM.
Attested: Respectfully Submitted,
Joanna Uhl Jean Anderson
Dundee Township Supervisor Dundee Township Clerk
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