Building Department
A Regular Meeting of the Dundee Township Board was held Tuesday, March 29, 2022. Supervisor Uhl called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Present were: Supervisor Uhl, Treasurer Hunt, Clerk Sanders and Trustees: Gary Lazette, CJ Horkey, Ken Jaworski & Travis Horkey. Trustee CJ Horkey made a motion to revise the agenda to add the snow removal & fire hall mowing bids to the agenda, move the planning commission recommendations from new business to be discussed after public comment & to remove resolution 2022-3 and all budget items from new business. Trustee Ken Jaworski supported. Motion carried. Supervisor Uhl made a motion to approve the minutes from the budget workshop held on March 8, 2022. Treasurer Hunt supported. Motion carried. Trustee CJ Horkey made a motion to approve the minutes from the regular board meeting held on March 8, 2022. Trustee Lazette supported. Motion carried. Treasurer Hunt made a motion to accept the Treasurers report for February 2022. Trustee Travis Horkey supported. Motion carried. Trustee CJ Horkey made a motion to place on file & waive the reading of 2 items of correspondence: Planning commission meeting minutes from January 2022 & a letter from RLC Lawncare. Treasurer Hunt supported. Motion carried.
PUBLIC COMMENT: A township resident attended the meeting to discuss the need for the Dundee Township Volunteer Fire Department & his hopes that the Township & Village can come together to take care of its fire department. The board went over the planning commission recommendations for the special use permit for 13589 Radka Rd. Trustee CJ Horkey discussed all of the details that the planning commission went over with the home owner. Trustee CJ Horkey made a motion to follow the recommendation and approve the special use permit. This will allow the home owner to use 8-foot fences, outside of the township ordinance allowing 6ft fences. Treasurer Hunt supported. Motion carried. The home owner will have dog training sessions during the day as well as boarding. Trustee Lazette expressed the concern for noise & the neighbors. Per the home owner, she plans to have indoor boarding from 7pm-7am. This indoor boarding space is insulated, heated & sound cancelling. OFFICIAL REPORTS: Library Reports: There was no update at this time. Assessing Department: Bryan has finished Building Department: There was no update at this time. Supervisor Uhl: Supervisor Uhl attended a solar energy event supported by the MEDC. There were representatives from both DTE Energy & Consumers Energy at the event who gave a very good presentation & were very informative. Supervisor Uhl also discussed that Fairway Lawn & Landscaping will no longer be able to do the cemetery mowing, so she will reach out to request bids from other companies. Trustee C.J. Horkey: Trustee Horkey gave an update on the small-scale solar ordinance that the planning commission went over. Trustee Gary Lazette: Trustee Lazette submitted paperwork regarding reimbursement for the seminar he attended in Mt. Pleasant. The cost for Dundee township to reimburse is $114.56. Trustee Ken Jaworski made a motion to reimburse Trustee Lazette for the seminar in the amount of $114.56. Trustee CJ Horkey supported. Motion carried. Trustee Lazette also expressed that he has received another email from OnSOLVE regarding payment for the Code Red system & asked Supervisor Uhl to check with the Village to make sure payment has been sent. Trustee Travis Horkey: Trustee Travis Horkey discussed Dixon rd. and also spoke with Mr. Stanley about finishing the cross tiles on Dixon Rd. Trustee Ken Jaworski: Trustee Jaworski discussed Maple Grove will need for stone soon. Treasurer Lisa Hunt: Treasurer Hunt gave an update on taxes. She is currently in the process of settling with the county & will give an update once that’s finished. Clerk Sharayah Sanders: Clerk Sanders had nothing to report at this time.
OLD BUSINESS: *Dixon Rd/ Wells Rd solar stop signs: Per previous discussions, the township would have to pay the MCRC to install the signs as well as other charges to maintain them which will exceed the original motion that was made to purchase the solar flashing stop signs with a cost not to exceed $2,700.00. Trustee Travis Horkey made a motion to not purchase the solar flashing stop signs due to the precautions that are already in place at the intersection (Rumble strips). Trustee CJ Horkey supported. Motion carried with a vote of 6-yes, 1-no.
*Bragg Rd. Bridge: Supervisor Uhl gave an update on the bridge program. The township contribution would be $274,850.00 should the bridge be chosen. MDOT has recommended a 3-ton weight restriction. Supervisor Uhl made a motion to pursue the application for the Bragg Rd. bridge program. Trustee Travis Horkey supported. Motion carried.
NEW BUSINESS: *State Tax Commission Computerized Tax Roll Certification: Trustee CJ Horkey made a motion to send in the computerized tax roll certification per the assessor’s recommendation. Treasurer Hunt supported. Motion carried.
*Fire Hall Mowing & township/fire hall snow removal Bids: The board opened all the bids received by the clerk’s office & went through each to compare cost. The board will vote on the bids at the next meeting on April 11, 2022 at 7pm.
ANY OTHER ADDITIONAL BOARD COMMENTS: The Fire Chief discussed that one of the trucks is in need of repairs & they have been doing what they can to avoid large cost repairs by doing what they can themselves. They are currently looking for another truck & will discuss that more at a later date.
Treasurer Hunt made a motion to pay the bills in the amount of $17,006.03. Clerk Sanders supported. Motion carried. Treasurer Hunt moved to adjourn the meeting. Trustee Lazette supported. Motion carried. The meeting ended at 8:34pm. The next meeting will be April 11, 2022. Respectfully Submitted,
Sharayah Sanders Dundee Township Clerk Attested:
Joanna Uhl Dundee Township Supervisor This page last updated on 4/7/2022.
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