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Dundee Township Planning Commission

Regular Meeting/Alternative Energy Systems Ordinance Amendments Public Hearing -  Minutes

June 15, 2022


The regular meeting/public hearing of the Planning Commission was brought to order by Chairman Art Bronson at 7:00 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and the roll call was taken, these members were present: Bill Plumb, Ed Proctor, David Sedlar, CJ Horkey and Building Inspector Dennis Kolar. Jeanette Brockman and George Salenbien were excused absences.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


Mr. Proctor made a motion to accept the minutes to the March 16, 2022 meeting as written, Mr. Plumb supported this motion. They were unanimously accepted.


All members present reviewed the agenda for the regular meeting/public hearing of June 15, 2022  Mr. Sedlar then made a motion to accept it as is, Mr. Proctor seconded this motion and all members were in favor.


Communications –There was no communications  


There was no public comment.


Scheduled Business


  1. Alternative Evergy Systems Ordinance Amendments Public Hearing – Chairman Bronson brought the public hearing to order. He explained that the purpose was for the Planning Commission to review the suggested amendments and then formulate a recommendation for the Township Board who had the power to enact them.  He noted that the commission members were supplied with a copy of the amendments from Laura Kreps of Carlisle Wortman, and a copy had been available in the township office for the public to review.  A short discussion by the board followed his introduction. Following that, the hearing was opened to public comment. There was none.

      At this time the board discussed some corrections and additions. A few items needed to be changed to remain consistent with the existing ordinance terms, such as “Special Approval Use” and “Building Official.”  The board also thought that the Decommissioning Plan and financial guarantees section should add language to be more explicit about the Township’s options following a review of the financial status as called for by the amendment. There were a few typos and cut and paste errors along with location references that needed to be addressed. Chairman Bronson was going to send his copy of the amendment suggestions to Ms. Kreps with all of the problem areas highlighted and an explanation of what was discussed during the meeting.

      Mr. Proctor stated that he thought it would be a good idea to have Ms. Kreps forward a copy of the revisions back to Mr. Bronson to make sure all of the corrections were done. Building Inspector Kolar asked about having a Solar Ordinance that covered Residential.  It was thought that there was already language in the ordinance covering this. With nothing further to discuss, Liaison Horkey made a motion to recommend to the Township Board to adopt the ordinance amendments with the suggested corrections. Mr. Proctor seconded this motion and all were in favor. Having concluded the public hearing, Mr. Sedlar moved with support from Mr. Proctor to adjourn the meeting and all were in favor, Public Hearing adjourned at 7:27 p.m.


  1.  Building Permits – Mr. Kolar presented the building permits that were issued since the first of the year for everyone to review.  



Old Business – There was no old business to discuss at this time.   


New Business – There was no new business to discuss at this time                                                                                                                                      


With nothing further Mr. Sedlar made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Mr. Plumb  seconded this motion, it was unanimously accepted.  Meeting adjourned 7:32 p.m.



_________________________                            ________________________

Art Bronson       -     Chairman                             David Sedlar    -       Secretary



Approval Date

This page last updated on 10/13/2022.
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