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 Dundee Township Planning Commission

Regular Meeting Minutes

January 19, 2022


Chairman Art Bronson brought the regular meeting for the month of January to order at 7:00 p.m.  The Pledge was recited and roll call was taken these members were present: Liaison CJ Horkey, George Salenbien, Bill Plumb, Ed Proctor and Secretary David Sedlar. Jeanette Brockman and Building Inspector Dennis Kolar were excused absences.  Maria Bronson also in attendance.


Mr. Plumb noted that Ms. Brockman was not at the November meeting but was listed as supporting the motion to adjourn.  Mr. Sedlar then made the motion to accept the minutes as corrected, Mr. Proctor supported his motion, and all were in favor.


The agenda for the January meeting was reviewed by everyone. Mr. Proctor made a motion to accept it as printed, Mr. Horkey seconded this motion, and all were in favor.


Communications – Liaison Horkey stated that the Township Board had adopted two moratoriums at a previous meeting: one for Commercial WECS (Wind Energy Conversion Systems) and one for Commercial Solar Farms. The moratoriums are for a period of six months starting January 11.


Public Comment – There was no public comment.  


Scheduled Business



  1. Discuss Commercial Solar Energy Ordinance – Chairman Bronson noted that there are many more questions than answers associated with Solar Energy on such a large scale.  A major concern among experts is the availability of the materials used in the construction of the panels.  Current technology gives a life span of approximately 25 years and a large percentage of the panel is not recyclable.  There is concern then, whether the panels would be replaced or the field simply abandoned.  It’s impossible to know if the current financial incentives would still be in place.  Returning the property back to a usable farm would be problematic.  

      Mr. Salenbien noted that WECS has a set of unique problems along with similar ones associated with abandonment and decommissioning.  Mr. Proctor said he talked to Joe Stanger and was informed that Summerfield Township is restricting both Wind and Solar commercial installations to industrial zoning. After some more discussion it was determined that the board would refer the latest set of concerns, primarily abandonment/reclamation and zoning restrictions, to Carlisle Wortman for more input.


  1. Building Permits – There were no building permits to review due to the absence of the building inspector.


  1. Secretary’s Annual Report for 2021 – Secretary Sedlar read his annual report for 2021 which received the due accolades.


  1. Election of Officers – Mr. Salenbien made a motion to re-elect the current slate. Mr. Plumb supported this motion, and all were in favor.


Old Business – There was no old business.


New Business – There was no new business.  


With no further business to discuss, Mr. Horkey made a motion to adjourn, Mr. Sedlar seconded this motion, it was unanimously accepted. Meeting adjourned at 7:35 p.m. 




__________________________                                                  __________________________     

Chairman                  Art Bronson                                                 Secretary                       David Sedlar    





 Date Approved

This page last updated on 3/28/2022.
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