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A Regular Meeting of the Dundee Township Board was held Tuesday, January 24, 2023. Supervisor Uhl called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


Present were: Trustees: Gary Lazette, Travis Horkey & Ken Jaworski, Treasurer Hunt, Clerk Anderson & Supervisor Uhl.


  • Supervisor Uhl motioned revise the agenda to place: Irish Road - Pitts Creek culvert replacement under New Business. Trustee Horkey motioned to approve the agenda with the revisions. Trustee Lazette supported. Motion carried.
  • Supervisor Uhl motioned to approve the minutes from workshop held on January 10, 2023. Treasurer Hunt supported. Motion carried.
  • Trustee Horkey motioned to approve the minutes from the regular meeting held on January 10, 2023 with a revision to the January 10 Board Meeting Minutes correcting the Resolution Number from 2023-1 to 2023-2 for Extending Moratorium on Large Scale Solar Energy Systems. Treasurer Hunt supported. Motion carried.
  • Treasurer Hunt motioned to approve the minutes from the special meeting held on January 17, 2023. Trustee Lazette supported. Motion carried.  
  • Treasurer Hunt motioned waive the Correspondence reading and place on file. Trustee Horkey seconded motion. Motion Carried.


PUBLIC COMMENT: Marilyn Lawson would like us to discuss options for Full Time EMT to reduce the Fire Department’s workload. She proposed working with a consultant and holding a workshop to work with the Village to explore options.




LIBRARY: No report at this time.


ASSESSING: No report at this time.


BUILDING DEPARTMENT: No report at this time.



SUPERVISOR UHL: Presented quote for estimated cost of repairs from West Shore Services for repair of 2 sirens, TRU #15 on Stowell Road & RTU #36. Trustee Lazette motioned to repair the sirens with the cost to not exceed $5,000. Treasurer Hunt seconded. Motion Carried. Supervisor Uhl stated 4 people have been RSVP’d for the upcoming MTA Board Meeting.



TRUSTEE GARY LAZETTE: No report at this time.



TRUSTEE TRAVIS HORKEY: Presented Fire Report for December: 21 Township Calls, 71 Village Calls, 1 Mutual Call. Of those 51 EMS Calls, 42 Fire Calls, 14 Overlapping Calls. No other report at this time.

TRUSTEE KEN JAWORSKI: No report at this time.



TREASURER LISA HUNT: The County Treasurer’s meeting was cancelled




  • Completed General Ledger Training, found many processes need updating.
  • Presented information on the required Postage Machine for a lower rate than the current machine, including the addition of Priority printing machine. Supervisor Uhl motioned to approve. Trustee Jaworski seconded. Motion Carried.
  • Mentioned snow removal guidelines are being reviewed and will be discussed with vendor.




  • MCRC Contracts - presented for work that includes 2” aggregate lift and chip seal work for 7 various roads, totaling $191,511. Trustee Horkey motioned to approve. Treasurer Hunt seconded. Motion Carried. 


  • Day Road Bridge State Grant Discussion – Monroe County Road Commission evaluation recommends to re-route road. Their report shows details of this including cost, which greatly exceed grant amount. Cost would be shared with London Township, but likely to be mostly absorbed by Dundee Township. Additional discussion to possibly consider a permanent road closure. Further discussion to occur after London Township discusses.


  • Board Vacancy Discussion –
    • Planning Commission Position – Trustee Lazette motioned to nominate Diana Ruehs for Planning Commission Board Member. Trustee Jaworski seconded. Motion Carried.
    • Trustee Board Member Position – Trustee Jaworski motioned to nominate Alana Horkey for Trustee. Discussion of Alana’s relationship to other board members occurred including ethical concerns. Due to discussions a Roll Call Vote took place: Trustee Jaworski – Yes, Trustee Lazette – Yes, Trustee Horkey – Yes, Treasurer Hunt – No, Clerk Anderson – Abstained (due to conflict of interest), Supervisor Uhl – Yes. Majority Yes, Motion Carried.




Irish Road Pitts Creek – Culvert Replacement agreement presented with price under estimated budget. If adopted material lead time is 4 months, making it a June Project. Trustee Lazette motioned to approve specifying Supervisor Uhl authorization to sign the 425 Agreement. Treasurer Hunt supported. Motion Carried.



Additional board comments: Discussion of scheduling budget workshop. To discuss further at the February board meeting.

Trustee Lazette motioned to pay the bills from January 19, 2023 in the amount of $206,307.73 Treasurer Hunt supported. Motion Carried.



Treasurer Hunt motioned to adjourn, Trustee Lazette supported. Motion carried.


The next meeting will be February 14, 2023 at 7PM.  




Attested:                                                                         Respectfully Submitted,


Joanna Uhl                                                                           Jean Anderson

Dundee Township Supervisor                                              Dundee Township Clerk




___________________________                                                             __________________________



This page last updated on 1/31/2023.
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